
Showing posts from May, 2022


Lambo defi is a new, revolutionary platform that provides multiple [investment]( tools to all the participants and helps them to be their own banks. It helps users to reduce their risk of a financial crisis in their life by means of a smart mix of cryptocoin and fiat investments into a growing and evolving list of approved financial instruments. It is a protocol that lets people earn interest on their crypto holdings. It allows them to compound their crypto holdings, and reinvest it into more lambo token. The real beauty of this protocol is that the staking can be done automatically by smart contracts. This eliminates the need for huge amounts of capital to participate in staking and compounding services offered by centralised entities. FEATURES OF LAMBO DEFI PROTOCOL The Lambo-Defi Auto Staking and Auto Compounding API Protocol is a new protocol that will allow users to stake and compound automatically. This means that you can set it and forget it and you can have ...

TALETE CODE: Automatic STAKING and Compounding in your wallet.

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Introduction The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is the rate of return you would earn over one year, assuming that you start with a principal amount and add the same amount of principal at the end of every year. If you want to know how profitable your investment is, look no further than the rate of return on your certificate of deposit (CD), share of stock, or government bond. The rate of return on an investment is simply the percentage increase in the value of the investment over a certain period of time, generally a year or more. However, when comparing rates of return across various assets with varied compounding periods, it might be difficult to make meaningful conclusions. One may compound on a daily basis, whilst another may compound quarterly or twice a year. Calculated by factoring in the compounding impact of interest, annual percentage yield (APY) is a measure of the true return on an investment. In contrast to simple interest, which is computed on...